
QCE Soccer Team


飞兆半导体公司(Fairchild)的前身可追溯至50年前成立的仙童(Fairchild Semiconductor)公司,从英文名字上你就可以看出飞兆与fairchild公司的血脉相连。罗伯特·诺伊斯(Robert Noyce)、戈登·摩尔(Gordon Moore)、弗朗克·万拉斯(Frank Wanlass)等半导体业界耳熟能详的名字都与仙童公司有着密切的联系。1957年,罗伯特·诺伊斯和戈登·摩尔等八位肖克利半导体实验室的年轻工程师由于不满肖克利的专制管理体制,在风险投资商Arthur Rock和Sherman Fairchild的资助下,创办了仙童(Fairchild)公司,此后,他们又创办了大名鼎鼎的英特尔公司。由于“硅谷”很多企业都和他有直接或者间接的影响,罗伯特·诺伊斯更是被人送了一个绰号——“硅谷市长”。戈登·摩尔创立的摩尔定律也是人人皆知。弗朗克·万拉斯则是CMOS技术的发明者,奠定了功率器件的制造基础。


飞兆半导体代理商1959年研究成功平面工艺制造技术,从此,平面技术成为晶体管制造的基本方法。多年来,仙童公司总是以不断的技术革新而赢得世界的目光,从工业领先技术如FAST&8432、先进肖特基TTL逻辑系列到今天的ASSP EEPROM、ACEX、Power Trench &8432、MOSFET、LCX和VHC技术。仙童公司总部设在美国缅因州的波特兰市,下属三个业务单元:即南波特兰的逻辑组、加州Sunnyvale的分离功率和信号组、犹他州West Jordan的模拟、混合信号和非易失存储器件组。Fairchild官网在美国和韩国拥有四座晶片生产厂,在菲律宾宿务市和马来西亚建有组装检测工厂。公司采用世界级4、5、6-inch硅片工艺生产逻辑、模拟、混合信号IC和分立元件。Fairchild中国代理商,南波特兰市是最大的生产基地。


在电路设计中,为了帮助设计人员满足下部数低待机功耗的挑战,飞兆半导体(纽约证券交易所代号:FCS),一家领先的全球供应商高性能功率和移动产品,开发的FAN6756 PWM控制器具有mWSaver™技术,这使得在外部电路的待机功耗减少,而无需使用额外的支持集成电路。单芯片FAN6756是一个高度集成的绿色模式PWM控制器,能够显著降低SMPS设计的待机损失,消除多达15个外部元件。仙童代理商相比竞争力的IC解决方案的今天,设备达到节省更大的权力和可节省材料成本(BOM)条例草案的设计师。需求极低的待机功耗,包括笔记本电脑,打印机和游戏机,以及开架式液晶电视,液晶显示器和打印机的电源开关电源适配器的电源的理想选择, FAN6756采用mWSaver技术,包括一个专有的深层突发模式技术,降低在空载和轻负载条件下的开关损耗。mWSaver技术允许设备不仅在控制器本身,以减少功率损失,而且在外部电路和元件。FAN6756还包括一个创新的AX - CAP™放电的方法,最大限度地减少损失消除的X -第放电电阻放电时,通过一个X - Cap HV引脚能源电源从交流电源插座上拔下,同时还能满足EMI滤波器阶段IEC61010 - 1安全要求。该器件还集成了强大的保护功能-包括飞兆半导体专有的检测电阻短路保护(SSCP),关闭PWM输出,以防止系统损坏,检测电阻短路时-提供一个安全和可靠的解决方案。FAN6756是SOP8封装,目的在改善无负载功耗以及满足严格的能源效率标准,减少元件数量和简化设计在今天的电子的电源产品全面的产品组合的一部分。飞兆半导体的mWSaver技术提供最佳的一流的最低空载和轻载功耗,以满足当前和建议的全球标准和法规,使设计人员能够实现减少的形式因素,提高了可靠性和更低的系统成本。


Fairchild Semiconductor is a leading global provider of semiconductor technology that powers the products we use and makes them more energy efficient. Fairchild continues to build on its rich history of innovation to address one of the greatest challenges we face today – reducing wasted energy and improving efficiency in an increasingly power-hungry world.

The Power Franchise®: Driving Energy-Efficient Solutions
The conservation of energy and the development of energy-efficient products is a critical challenge facing the world today. Energy-efficient solutions from Fairchild play a pivotal role in answering these design issues. With advanced packaging, proprietary technologies and experience in both the design and manufacturing of power semiconductors, Fairchild’s products provide the electronics industry with innovative ways to conserve energy. Fairchild’s high performance semiconductors optimize energy in applications such as power supplies, mobile, lighting, motor, computing, consumer and automotive applications.

Power supplies are found in everything from cell phone chargers, to set-top boxes, to industrial control, and offer a large potential for energy savings. Fairchild’s suite of power switches, power MOSFETs, IGBTs, rectifiers, PWM ICs, PFC ICs, HVICs, optocouplers, voltage references and LDOs are instrumental in increasing efficiency, while reducing standby power, size and cost.

Mobile devices are an omnipresent aspect worldwide. Fairchild’s expertise in power, backlighting and signal conditioning allow system designers to solve their challenges of miniaturization, convergence and longer battery life. Fairchild’s IntelliMAX™ advanced load switches, µSerDes™ solutions, MicroFET™ switches, LED drivers, power regulators, MOSFETs, charge pumps, analog switches and logic translators improve energy-efficiency, extend battery life and provide greater flexibility in portable devices.

Lighting applications offer the greatest opportunity to reduce wasted energy because incandescent bulbs are only ten percent efficient. These applications are transitioning to fluorescent and LED or HID lamps, which drive significant efficiency improvements. Fairchild’s ballast control ICs, IGBTs, MOSFETs, HVICs, PFC/PWM controllers, Green FPS™ products, transistors, rectifiers, diodes and optocouplers increase efficiency, extend system life and provide greater flexibility for lighting applications.

The Power Franchise®: Driving Energy-Efficient Solutions

Computing applications demand higher performance, system efficiency and signal quality while decreasing board space. Fairchild’s integrated power switches (FPS™), low and high power MOSFETs, MOSFET drivers, DC-DC controllers, audio amplifiers, diodes, transistors, operational amplifiers, backlight inverters and PFC ICs are instrumental in conserving energy and space in these applications.

Consumer applications are subject to increasingly stringent regulations, such as ENERGY STAR and the 1-Watt initiative that mandate efficiency. Fairchild’s power regulators, MOSFET drivers, FPS switches, optocouplers, HVICs, PDP-SPM™, rectifiers, transistors and diodes increase power performance, system efficiency and signal quality and decrease board space in these applications.

Motors are moving from single-phase AC motors to variable speed motors, which can realize 40 percent energy savings. Fairchild is the industry’s leading supplier of high performance discrete and highly-integrated module solutions for motor applications. Fairchild’s power MOSFETs, Motion-SPM products, optocouplers, Zener diodes, power switches, PFC-SPM products, HVICs, STEALTH™ diodes and triacs increase efficiency, simplify design and reduce system cost in motor applications.

Automotive applications are moving to solutions that provide higher efficiency and better fuel consumption. This is imperative because only 15 percent of the fuel is used to propel the car. Fairchild’s power MOSFETs, Smart MOSFETs, IGBTs, ignition IGBTs, rectifiers, LED drivers and IR sensors offer a broad array of solutions to optimize system power.

Pioneers in the Semiconductor Industry

Pioneers in the Semiconductor Industry
fairchild semi is regarded as the “Father of Silicon Valley,” with a history of leading-edge innovation; this tradition continues today through the design and development of high performance, innovative and energy efficient products. Established in 1957, the goal of the original company was the development and production of silicon diffused transistors and other semiconductor devices. In 1958, Fairchild developed the planar transistor and with it a new industry was born. Today, Fairchild is a global leader delivering energy-efficient analog, discrete, signal path and optoelectronic solutions.

Saving Our World, 1mW at a Time™

The global concern for energy efficiency calls upon businesses and individuals to each do our part. Fairchild is focused on the design and development of products that foster a greener, ‘cooler’ world, and we will continue to work closely with leading electronic manufacturers to understand the power challenges of new platforms and develop innovative technologies that break new barriers in efficiency.

From 1Watt to 1200Watts, Fairchild solutions drive energy-efficiency to Save our world 1mW at a time™.





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